Second Block Edition: Tales from Miami Ad School Account Planning Bootcamp. Location: Minneapolis, MN.


Mi semana

So, MJ is dead. The South Carolina governor went on hiatus to Buenos Aires with his lover. Farrah passed into the heavens. I started teaching English in a foreign country. ¿¡Qué qué!? ¡Este semana es loco! I mean some of those events are more important than others. In fact I will devote my day to listening to MJ. That's only because I already taught my lesson today.

I got off to a good start with teaching. Tuesday, I taught two different lessons. First I teach a 15-year-old boy and after that I have two more 15-year-old boys. There were no antics or disorderly contact. All of the boys are upper intermediate, meaning they have a good use of grammar and a wide vocabulary. I have a lesson book, but I'm going to try to bring in other media for them to listen to English, ie. music, TV shows, magazines, newspapers etc. My two other "students" are women, about my age. Each of them works in a company, so I go to their work to teach. I have freedom to vary my curriculum with the boys and one of the ladies, it's nice because I can go at whatever pace I feel is necessary and I don't have to follow a book. The corporate training company I teach for I have to follow a English buisness book, but currently I only have one hour a week with them.

Good news! Next month I will be moving to a different place. I'll be moving into an apartment that my tutor and his cousin just got. It's a great apartment in one of the nicest parts of the city. The apartment is on the top floor and my room is part of the servants quarters so I have my own bathroom and entrance to the apartment. And, I don't mean to brag but The Perons (Eva Peron) used to live there. That's right. Evita re-enactment time, here I come.

This week has also been full of back-to-back dinner parties. Monday a couple of my house-mates and I made pork with rosemary and white wine, cabbage and squash mash. This proved to be the first delcious thing I've made since arriving. Somehow Buenos Aires has impaired my ability to cook well or vary my diet outside of pan, queso y jamon. Of course, we accidently sided it with three bottles of wine. Accidently, I tell you. That was fun getting up for orientation/training the next morning. Wednesday, yet another dinner party consisting of yummy potato mash and veggies and empanadas for dessert. Ending the night with a little cumbia dancing. Tonight there is a gallery night in Palermo (it's a barrio here) where all the galleries open for the public and you can go and drink wine…por gratis (for free)!

So, things are starting to come together. I'm beginning to leave the honeymoon period of my stay and enter reality. The only thing about that is that reality isn't as brightly colored all the time. Reality is a good thing, especially when you wake-up to a reality that's a little bit sweeter than some of the other options out there. Hey people, I live in Buenos Aires.


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I'm happy that everything is falling into place for you! Your my idol,,,,I want to be able to do that soon! Take pics of the new apartment! take care! No tomes tanto vino que te la vas a pasar borracha! chao

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Ooh! Can't wait to see pics of the new place---sounds fancy!
