Second Block Edition: Tales from Miami Ad School Account Planning Bootcamp. Location: Minneapolis, MN.


Question (from my housemate Leo): How's it going with the Argentine men, here?
Response: blunt laughter. a sigh. oh yeah, and, a large roll of the eyes. Los chicos acá. Sin commentario.

I would prefer not to Dear Diary, on here. Any honest inquires on this issue can be taken up with the author.

My teaching skills have reached a new low. I actually read with my student yesterday an article titled, How Often Do You Think About Sex? I think she actually liked it. I, myself, found it rather entertaining. But I suppose I should choose an article that chooses to use the work "sex" less next time. I ended the subject on the disagreement of whether or not you should live with someone before you marry them. There's still a lot of conservatism here. Tan cuidado, E. Tan cuidado.

At the end of the month I'm going to head up to Iguazu Falls. My parents are giving me a trip for my birthday. This is a nice treat, because at least this way I am some what obligated to make myself travel. My senses are usually so overloaded by city life, that I haven't taken advantage of all the wonderful places outside of Buenos Aires. I need start taking advantage of things more.

Tonight is a friend's birthday, so I'll be celebrating in style. Both of my morning classes were canceled. Entonces. It's time to have fun.


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